Interested in trying out? Great! This is how it works!
There are a couple days of "Camps" that we hold to get you ready. These days will be all about
learning most of the basic moves. All the days are manditory for you to attend! We will be watching everybody
very carefully to see how you interact with each other!!! You only have three days to learn a short rutine, so do your
best! We will let you know at the end of the final tryout wether you made it or not. The Flag Team is a two semester
team, and once you've made it, you don't have to try out again. (unless you quit and want to re-join!)
It starts in summer. BAND CAMP!!! it's during summer school! (you get credit!!) you will inrole
in the band program for all four hours (this is preferable! if you have to go to summer school for actual school we
can work something out where you only come to one of the periods...) there will also be a couple of hours of work after
the school day ends, so dont worry, you'll get plenty of time to practice!
The fall semester, or better known as football season, counts as PE credit, so if you're on the team for all
four years, you won't have to take PE! The second semester counts as performing art credit!!(you need at least two semesters
of performing arts credits.)
We perform at half time shows, field show competitions, parades, and school activities, so we are always working!
(in a fun way!!)
If you would like to know more about joining, we will be coming to Lawrence Middle School in April, or you can
write to us at!!! We would love to see you, so don't be shy!